Medal of Honor Warfighter: Tom \"Preacher\" Play Arts Kai AF

Medal of Honor Warfighter: Tom "Preacher" Play Arts Kai AF

Hersteller: Square Enix
Artikelnummer: id96001
UPC/EAN: 4988601318341
Bewertungen: 0
Verfügbarkeit: Ausverkauft
99,90 EUR
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Tom "Preacher" is a rifleman in a unit of Tier 1 operators. Upon returning from his latest mission, he is met not by a warm welcome from his family. But a cold, harsh reality that is home is now broken. As he works to restore is relationship with his family, he realizes how important they are to him and rediscovers his will to fight. In order to protect the ones he loves from the threat of war , Preacher rises up with comrades to fight.
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