Masters of the Universe: Skeletor 1:4 Scale Statue

Masters of the Universe: Skeletor 1:4 Scale Statue

Hersteller: Pop Culture Shock
Artikelnummer: id1037165
UPC/EAN: 718117172595
Bewertungen: 0
Verfügbarkeit: Ausverkauft
299,90 EUR
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Skeletor is a fictional character and the primary antagonist of the Masters of the Universe franchise created by Mattel. He is the archenemy of He-Man. Depicted as a muscular blue humanoid with a purple hood over his yellowing bare-bone skull, Skeletor seeks to conquer Castle Grayskull so he can learn its ancient secrets, which would make him unstoppable and enable him to conquer and rule all of Eternia.
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