Legions Of Rome - Alae Quingenaria (Heavy Cavalery)

Legions Of Rome - Alae Quingenaria (Heavy Cavalery)

Artikelnummer: 74772023785260
Bewertungen: 0
Verfügbarkeit: Lieferzeit 4-8 Tage *
149,90 EUR
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
- Headsculpt - KP04 Generation K Body (1 Set of Arms, 4 hands) - Niederbieber Type Helm - Arlon Belgica Type Cuirass - Bronzed Ocrae (Leg protections) - Sword/Gladio (Die Cast) - Dagger/Pugio (Die Cast) - Light Brown short Pants (Cloth) - Sandals / Caligae (Leather) - Yellow Tunic (Cloth) - Red Scarf/Focale (Cloth) - Armored Belt/Cingulum Militare (Leather) - Leather wrist bands - Long Lance - Oval Shield - Deluxe Stand
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