The Hobbit: Staff of Thranduil

The Hobbit: Staff of Thranduil

Hersteller: United Cutlery
Artikelnummer: id102858
Bewertungen: 0
Verfügbarkeit: Ausverkauft
189,90 EUR
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Father to Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil is a powerful Elf-Lord and a legendary fighter. King of the Woodland Realm, he rules over the northern lands of the great forest known as Mirkwood. The staff of the Elvenking combines nature with Elven artistry. As a royal symbol of Thranduil’s rule and authority over the Woodland Realm, the twisted oak shaft is crowned with an amber handle surrounded by flowing metal vine and lattice work. This replica is crafted from polyresin and presented with a poly stone wall mount featuring a graphic motif of Thranduil, and includes a certificate of authenticity.
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